Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mom to Kelly: You accidentally bought child-size hangers. Oh well, they'll work for you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kelly: All I want for my birthday is, uh...
Me: Your two front teeth? Ha.
Kelly: No, that's Christmas, bitch.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mom to Kelly and me: That Target clerk thought you were cute.
Me: What? Really?
Mom: Well, he is from Nebraska.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mom: Jumper's on next. That's a GREAT movie!
Me: ......
Mom: You'd love it.
Me: Sure.
Mom: What? You don't believe me? You don't want to travel that fast? Poof! You're in Paris!
Me: I'm not saying I don't want the power. I'm saying I don't want to watch the movie.
Mom: .....
Me: We could always watch Gigli.
Mom: *frown*
Me: Oh. So there is a line.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Me: Dad, do you know what lie we're going to tell Mom when we sneak off on Saturday for her surprise?
Dad: Haven't gotten that far.
Me: You had top secret clearance for decades. You planned covert strikes and rubbed elbows with people that officially didn't exist. I'm pretty sure you can come up with something.
Dad: Yeah, but this is your mom...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cable guy to my dad: So your youngest is moving out? You've gotten everyone out of the house?
Dad: Nah, my wife still lives there.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Jeff: That's my friend, over there in the gray.
Me: Her? She's tiiiiiny. Eat a sandwich, babygirl.
Jeff: What? She's fatter than you.
Me: Awwww, really? That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!
Jeff: Wow. Is it that easy?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kelly: I would go drink with you. But I can't. And.... I don't want to.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Me: Mom gave me a Kindle for my birthday!
Kelly: Cool! Do you like it?
Me: Yeah! I've read half a book!
Kelly: Ha, half?
Me: Well, like 48%.
Kelly: What?? It tells you the percentage you've read?
Me: Yeah, it's cool.
Kelly: No... well........... don't... trust it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kelly: Would you judge me if I bought a skull?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Me: I want to be a foreign exchange student.
Kelly: You're not even a student.
Me: I'm a student of life.
Kelly: That's stupid.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Me: So telling those snooty people you're an artist because you do Photoshop is like telling someone you're a musician because you play xylophone?
Mom: No, telling someone you're a musician because you play harmonica!
Jeff: Hey!
Mom: Oh hush, you play guitar too.
Me: Humpback whales are weird. Their mouths are up here, and their eyes are down here. It looks off.
Kelly: How else you gonna eat krill?